sâmbătă, 2 aprilie 2016

Easily copy music from Ipod to computer w/o extra software! FREE (Win 7 & Vista)

http://tiny.cc/ubjdux Save 30% for Icopybot software
For Windows XP go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TrGF-z8AJU This shows how to take music off your Ipod without downloading any extra software. Note: When you copy the music folders from your Ipod, to your computer, some of the folders that are created may be empty, depending on the amount of music you have. Does not work for Ipod Touch or Iphone *If Ipod does not show up in Windows Explorer* -this may help http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1369 -restart your computer -press the menu and center button to reset ipod -make sure *view hidden files and folders* is checked!

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