duminică, 24 iulie 2016

The Future of Travel Demand

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Susan Handy, Professor, Environmental Science and Policy; Director, Sustainable Transportation Center; Deputy Director, ULTRANS, UC Davis Auto use is growing globally, along with the environmental and societal problems it generates, climate change most notably. A recent slowdown in the growth in vehicle-miles-traveled in the U.S. and Europe, however, has raised hopes that some parts of the world may have reached "peak driving." What is behind this recent slowdown, and is it a true or temporary peak? Answering these questions requires a close look at the behavior underlying these trends and at the numerous economic, technological, and cultural changes that are driving changes in travel behavior. In this presentation, I share findings from studies from UC Davis and elsewhere on some of the critical changes that are shaping the future of travel demand Wednesday, March 16, 2016 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM (PDT) Sutardja Dai Hall - Banatao Auditorium University of California, Berkeley

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