vineri, 20 ianuarie 2017

Janome Machine Embroidery and Quilting Tutorials Accuquilt: secret overstock sale.
Geraldine Gillen Welcome to the Satin and Lace Quilt Hi my name is Geraldine Gillen, I designed and digitized this quilt, mostly because of my passion for software and a need to teach embroidery enthusiasts how to get more from their machines. As I was working for a sewing machine dealer at the time, it seemed everyone I spoke to wanted more, and I have to say I still find the same today as I visit and teach at 5 different stores and at my studio, it seems we all need a challenge! There is nothing like a project to get you to do things you may never have tried before and to get you going on a new learning curve. I have made this quilt twice for myself, one in cream and then another a little different, in a latte colour. They are a little different as I am not one who likes to do the same thing over and over, also in the second quilt I introduced the "Quilt As You Go Method". This is a fantastic way to put any of your quilts together. There are several ways of using this method and I am going to show you one throughout this project. I am not the "Quilt Police" and do not believe in wrong, only different. That is why I encourage sewers to make their projects their own and add some of your own personality, after all, it's yours to have and love. If there is something you don't like, then don't do it, try something else. This is going to be YOUR creation so enjoy the journey. I hope you enjoy this project as much as I have creating it, I am delighted to be able to share this with you, and I look forward to this journey together. Happy stitchiing

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