duminică, 21 octombrie 2018

How to Make Bootable USB Drive with Windows 7 USB/DVD Tool - Simple&Easy&Safety

https://bit.ly/2wqUjlR Xinfire secret sale page.
first English video of Gamer Helpdesk Section. Subject: Making bootable usb drive with Microsoft Windows 7 USB/DVD Tool it's very easy and simple and of course SAFETY. by the way, sorry If I have mistakes. If you fellas like it, share it, fav. it and subscribe my channel. If you want to ask something about MSI GE60 or notebooks, don't be shy. just ask :) Enjoy watching. https://www.facebook.com/OyuncununElKitabi http://www.oyuncununelkitabi.net/ https://twitter.com/OyuncununKitabi

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