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Visit to get my FREE Training Video, "17 Advanced Native Advertising Secrets Insiders Use to Get 248% ROI" Right Now! Visit to get my FREE Training Video, "17 Advanced Native Advertising Secrets Insiders Use to Get 248% ROI" Right Now! Conversion Optimization - 1 Pitfall to Avoid First let me explain what conversion optimization is. That's really just a process of making changes to your website and your marketing funnel in order to improve your results. The failure that I see a lot of people making is not measuring the effect of the change on your revenue. Many people will believe that by simply increasing the conversion rate by default you are actually increasing the amount of revenue that you generate and that's actually not the case. We've run several tests where we've been able to increase the conversion rate by 20% or more on a marketing funnel, and those increases actually resulted in a 40% decrease in revenue because we were measuring the effect on revenue. Now, if that sounds weird to you, here's how it happened. This client has multiple product price points, and so on the pages in the funnel we had optimized to get a higher conversion, more people were buying the lower product price point, so the effect of increase on conversion was negative on revenue. If you are doing conversion rate optimization and you're not measuring the effect on revenue, you're making a big mistake. Now the way that we measure all this is through a tool called Visual Website Optimizer. It allows you to not only measure the conversion rates but you can put special tracking code on your Thank You Page that will return back into Visual Website Optimizer the revenue that was generated from the sale, and you can use some dynamic coding if you've got multiple price points to trigger different price points so that you can see the actual total dollar amount. That way you can go in and look at the reports and you can see how that change that you've made to the website not only effected conversion but also effected your bottom line. And if you do that, you'll be able to smartly grow your marketing funnel and make a lot more money. As always, you can watch all of my videos at Subscribe to get the very latest in Online Advertising Secrets straight from our ongoing tests and case studies.
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